カジュアルを格上げ!NEWバカンススタイル 旅行先やお出かけに持っておくと何かと便利な小さめバッグ。その国のシュチュエーションに合わせてもよし。好きな色をピックアップするもよし。レザーのアイテムを持っていくだけでカジュアルスタイルも格上げできちゃいます。 Items used Coquettetote bag Green ¥35,200 LEZALIhandbag Gold ¥16,500 Atelier nuuhandbag Camel ¥38,500 HARUTAloafers white ¥14,080 aonecoMini Wallet Blue Green ¥9,790 aoneco(credit) card case Leaf ¥5,390 HARUTAloafers Blue ¥14,080 Brands used A wide variety of items that are unique in design but soft when used Coquette. Developing products such as miscellaneous accessories that are a little more interesting and useful LEZALI A simple & minimalist brand that you can love for a long time. Atelier nuu Transparent protective cat support brand aoneco HARUTA is Japan's proud old-established shoe manufacturer when it comes to loafers! HARUTA HIPSTAR Item Collection