Hironobu Murakami
m.ripple designer

Coin purse with hook closure



Simple design for daily use

This coin purse has a simple, compact design that can hold just the amount of coins needed. The rounded corners and cute shape make it a gentle fit when held in the hand, making it an item that you will grow attached to every time you use it.

In this recipe, in addition to the basic processes of"cutting," "pasting," and "sewing " in leather craft, you can learn how to attach a hook. You will also learn the "water-forming" technique, in which you wet the leather in water, deform it, and dry it to make the leatherremember its shape.


Coin purse with hook closureの作り方

Download pattern paper [A3 size].

Please print without scaling on A3 paper.


Put the pattern on the leather and dowel it.traceI will do so.

<Point Advice>
Leather has fibers that tend to stretch in the direction that is easier to bend. When cutting leather, trace and cut in the direction that is more likely to bend.


Polish the toco (back side of the leather) of the cut parts.


To cut a mouth for inserting and removing coins, use a "dovetail cutter" to make a round hole in the corner of Part A.


Cut the inside part of the lid along the curve. Inside of the cut part BPolish the edge of the leatherYes.


Make a hole with a "dovetail cutter" at the position where the "spring hook" of Part B is to be attached.


Attach the hook to part B using the "striking rod for spring hooks" and the "Almighty Plate.

<Point Advice>
When installing the hook, the line on the inside of the hook should be parallel to the coin case body to reduce the load on the surrounding area.


In the sewing area of Part A2mm wide coat of "CybinolYes.

<Point Advice>
The edges of the cutter mat can be used to cleanly apply fine painted areas. Use it when you find it difficult to paint.


When "Cybinol" is slightly dry, paste the center first, then parts A and B in the order of their surroundings.


Set the "divider" to 3 mm and draw a line 3 mm wide at the point to be sewn.


Use a "rhizogiri" on the marked area.Make a hole.We are going to do it.

<Point Advice>
The trick is to drill the holes so that the "◇" is at an angle.


Rowbiki thread."cut in a length four times the length of the entire coin case, with both endsAttach the "hand sewing needle."The following is a list of the most common problems with the

<Point Advice>
After threading the top, thread the bottom twice through the fibers in the yarn. Threading twice through the fibers of the yarn makes it harder for the yarn to come off the needle.


A needle is threaded through the hole made by "Hishigiri" and sewn.


The end of the stitch is"Nigomegatari."to the


Cut the threads with scissors, leaving 3 to 5 mm of thread.


Burn it with a lighter.thread guard (e.g. in a spinning machine)The following is a list of the most common types of products that can be used.

<Point Advice>
The longer the thread left in the previous STEP, the larger the ball of thread stopper will be when it is burned. Adjust the length to your liking.


Finish by polishing the entire surface.


Wet the coin compartment with water to create a coin storage space.


Stuff the inside with paper or other material to make the leather of the coin compartment look puffy.


Leave it to dry.


When it dries, it is finished.

Download pattern paper [A3 size].

Please print without scaling on A3 paper.

Author Profile

Hironobu Murakami

With 25 years of leather craft experience, she became fascinated with leather craft in 1997 when she made her own personal items for riding her motorcycle. She specializes in crafting bags, wallets, and accessories, and after working for a manufacturer, she has been active in the leather brand "m.ripple" since 2012. She has a store and studio, an e-commerce site, a pop-up store in a department store, and many exhibitions, and is also in charge of collaborations with companies.

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